- Let us tell you about the Circle of Eight, master Sam Taylor and Our Powerful Spells.
- We Will Show You How We can Serve YOU with a Fantastic Spell Casting TODAY!
- The Circle of Eight can create a Custom Spell Casting to fit any and all problems.
- Get to Know the Circle At Extreme Spells and see how we can serve you best!
Who is ExtremeSpells and who is The Circle of Eight? Who is Master Sam Taylor and Psychic master Lennox? The Extreme Spells Circle is Made up of many members. Love Spells, Money Spells, Custom Spells and more are offered at Extreme Spells and Extreme Love Spells.
Since 1993, our team of spell casters (The Circle of 8) have been casting spells for people in all walks of life for all sorts of problems. People from corporate professionals, businessmen, military personnel, policemen to housewives have all put their faith in Extreme Spells and its circle of spell casting professionals for every kind of request imaginable.

People of all ages, religions and nations have come to trust and use us time and time again.
With the advent of the internet, we can bring our service right to your front room without ever having to come to you in person. This is a new and fantastic age in the world of spell casting indeed!
An astonishing 85% of our customers have used us more than once due to how effective or (extreme) our magic spells are. In fact, our spells are EXTREMELY effective and are for people who are VERY serious about fixing their current problem or simply want to enhance the quality of their life.
Unlike other “spell casters” that claim to cast Magic spells, love spells, money spell castings, powerful voodoo Magic etc. (they claim all sorts of things actually) We are qualified, professional and caring.

Of course we enjoy selling our service! But the gratification and positive karma we create by helping people in pain or people in need is absolutely priceless. Actually, we don’t sell ALL of our spells. We offer our health spells for free to people inflicted with any disease or disability.
If you are effected by a disease or a health issue, please see our QUESTIONS section for details on how to get this free casting from us.
While you are here, we suggest reading our new section on “What Spell Casting Is” It will help shed a light on what we do and how we can help you.
This section explains myths, rumors and stereotypes related to Magic Spell Castings.
We also explain in detail why Magic is something not to be feared but rather enjoyed and used for good in all areas of life like Love, Money and More! If you have time, we think you will find this new section entertaining and informative.
Read about Spells, Magic and Spell Casting HERE!
Our Circle of Spell Casters offer Powerful and Effective Spells Like…
- FIND TRUE LOVE — Our Soul Mate Love Spell attracts the perfect mate into your life. Read more about this fantastic Magic Soul Mate Spell Here.
- RETURN A LOVER FAST — Brings back your ex lover with new feelings of love and passion. Read more about this fantastic Magic Spell to Return A Lover Here.
- ATTRACT MULTIPLE LOVERS — Attracts countless lovers to your life to allow you the freedom to enjoy multiple lovers and situation. Read more about this fantastic Spell that Attracts Countless Lovers Here.
- ATTRACT MONEY AND SUCCESS — Infuses you with luck and positive attraction energies to bring wealth and fortune into your life.Read more about this fantastic Magic Spell Here.
- BREAK UP A DESTRUCTIVE RELATIONSHIP — Separate a relationship that you feel needs to be broken up. Read more about this fantastic Spell that Ends Relationships fast Here.
- BIND A RELATIONSHIP SO IT LASTS — Bind a couple so they feel no desire to leave or break up. Read more about this fantastic Spell that Binds Love and Happiness Here.
- PREVENT CHEATING AND INFIDELITY — Remove any and all thoughts and desires to cheat and be unfaithful. Read more about this fantastic Spell that secures Love from Infidelity Here.

We thank you for taking time to read about The Extreme Spells Circle of Eight and who we are. We look forward to serving you soon with a powerful Spell Casting!