If you have just had a Magic Spell Cast by the Circle at Extreme Spells you know that several factors help your new Spell Casting. One is the quality of the Magic Spell Caster.
Fortunately, you have a trained and reliable team of Modern Magic Casters taking care of your new Spell Casting that want you to have fast results.
Next, you simply must have faith. As much faith as you can. We know this can be hard but simply do your best to believe in your new Magic Spell Casting and the results it will soon bring.
Next is the Fast Results / Modern Spell Enhancement Guide.
This is a set of instructions, guides, information and direction that you can do to help increase the effectiveness of your new Magic Spell Casting to deliver fast results. Below you will find such guide.

“Regardless of the Spell you have cast, the Spell Results Enhancement Guide can help manifest your new Casting in the most effective and most direct manner possible and deliver the fast results we all desire.
Anyone who wants the BEST possible results should apply these simple directions once their Morphic Spell Casting has been completed.” – Master Alexis Mermen
If this is the Love Spell you had cast the best way to enhance it and to manifest fast results is to do several things.
1. ITEMS TO USE – Place a picture of the person you want to return / desire you under your bed with a red rose on top of it. This creates an attraction energy in and around you while you sleep. The benefits of this are enormous and can help manifest your new Spell Casting much faster by utilizing your nocturnal (night time) dream energies that are pure and non ego driven.
2. STOP CONTACT – If you are in regular contact with your ex lover or person you want to desire you, stop contact for 7 days. If your ex lover calls you, texts you, writes you etc it is OK to talk with them but DO NOT make contact with them via YOUR actions for 7 full days from the time you order your casting. If you order on a Friday at 5pm, do not reach out for your ex lover until the next Friday at 5pm.
NOTE: If you have children with your ex, business to conduct etc, this rule does not apply. Essentially, if you MUST make contact, it will not destroy the Spells energy.
3. CHANGE YOUR ATTITUDE TOWARDS THE PERSON YOU DESIRE / WANT BACK – Once your Casting is ordered, take on a new “i am in full control” attitude and let others see it and feel it. ESPECIALLY the person you want in your life. Do your best to be 100% confident and let that confidence radiate around you. We realize this may seem a bit difficult but once you start to see and feel the results from the combined Spell energy and the new person you are becoming you will never want to look back at the old you.
4. THOUGHTS CREATE THINGS – Morphic Spells are “attraction” based energies and when you think and feel a certain way or focus on a certain thought that is what will manifest in your life. When you focus on problems then problems are what show up. The Solution? Focus on the you WANT.
WHAT TO DO: Every night before bed, think of the PERFECT SCENARIO in regards to yourself and the person you desire / want back in your life. Think of you both on vacation. Think of you both getting married. Think of you both doing everything you ever wanted to do with them. The sky is the limit. The point is to do it regular and build on the previous nights thoughts. Your thoughts are like a radio beacon of emotion and energy. Every thought you have has attraction properties. With practice, you will simply disregard the negative thoughts and only think about the good things you want in your life.
By now you may realize that these methods can work with or without a Modern Spell Casting. This is 100% correct but when you combine these methods WITH your new Casting the results are increased tremendously.
We want the very best for our clients and we want you to take full advantage of your new Morphic Spells energy by following these simple and basic guidelines to deliver your results even faster.